"I've been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate, a poet..." Well, above, I got to live out my Cher Half Breed delusions when I was part of the Finn's Motel video for "Recent Linear Landscapes." I did a little singing on their album Escape Velocity, a lot of photography. The biggest kick was one of my photos making the front cover!
For a living, I do marketing for a St. Louis residential design-build remodeling firm, with other stints in retail advertising, newspaper and graphic arts. For extra scratch, architectural photographer and writer. I prattle on about built environment issues at B.E.L.T, and media flotsam at M.E.L.T., and virtually ignore a musical diary at Song Line.

In the late 80s/early 90s I wrote, edited, photographed (and eventually owned and published) Jet Lag magazine. We also had a KDHX radio show by the same name. In the middle 1990s, I was part of a jazz duo (whose tracks will be shared if I ever figure out how to post MP3s to this blog). In 2004, I got to be Iggy Pop for 15 minutes, on stage with The Shemps, a Stooges tribute band put together for one night to honor fallen friends. I think it was because of that experience that Scariano decided the idea that became The Remodels should be pursued.

A brilliant photographer friend of mine - BiBi Erdeg - captured my inner-Auntie Mame, in the photo above.

Below, is me with Cheap Trick, at the inaugural Trick Fest in August 1995. It was a total geeked-out, teenage girl moment in time. And now I'm so distracted by that memory that we're done with this bio.

1 comment:
My old band Enormous Richard had a good Chicago thing for a few years, and in our crew of diehard fans (and these were diehards; think Cubs fans) was a nephew of Bun E. Carlos' who used to play our music for his uncle and get a diffident response. Also, I should play you ER's song "Steve Pick, Music Critic," with the verse, "I've got a back issue of Jet Lag/ That I always read on the pot/ Some say that's only a rag/ But I always liked it a ... lot."
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